I'm becoming more convinced all the time that the Lord really wants families worshiping together. He is quite serious about parents teaching their children the ways of the Lord.


The family unit is a powerful unit. God created man and woman, blessed their union, and then told them to have children. After that He said for them to rule over the earth. It's a beautiful thing when an entire family lives and worships the Lord together.


Parents have an amazing opportunity to introduce their children to the Lord and to help them discover the unique combination of gifts the Lord has placed within them. Often, though not always, certain gifts are passed down from generation to generation. A family business that has been passed down from ancestors long ago is an example of this.


A worship art group is a perfect way for parents and children to connect together, discover and grow in their own gifts, as well as develop an appreciation for each other's gifts. If you are a homeschooling family, try and plan some family worship art time into your day. If you are not a homeschooling family, then some worship art time would be an excellent way to gather everyone together and take a break from a hectic week.


I believe God wants to bring about a multi-generational revival. Imagine families that are praying together, studying together, worshiping together, and discovering their gifts and purpose together. This can bring about families who understand each other's gifts and call rather than fight against it, or try to change one another. These are the families that will reach out to the community together with the love and message of Jesus Christ!




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